Exam tables

February 15th, 2009

In addition to the SOA sample problems, you should also look at the table that comes with the exam. You can view the table at http://www.soa.org/files/pdf/P-05-05tables.pdf and also see it “in action” by looking at the sample CBT tutorial available at http://www.beanactuary.org/exams/preliminary/?fa=exam-practice

Dave Links

No more email notifications

January 15th, 2009

We are disabling the subscriber email notifications. There were just too many bugs in the plugin. Please use the RSS feed to subscribe to the posts. You can find more about RSS feeds here:


admin Admin

Expanded SOA sample problems

January 13th, 2009

The SOA has slowly been increasing the number of available sample problems. They made a new update on January 6, increasing the number of problems to 140. See here for the questions and solutions for the new versions.

Dave Problems

Schedules for February exam

December 4th, 2007

I’ve updated the study schedules for the February exam.  I’ve left a few breaks around Christmas and New Years, but obviously you should move those around for whenever you take breaks.  I am going to be around at Christmas, but will be far, far away from a computer from January 11th-17th (duly noted on the calendar in perhaps more detail than you want).  The new calendars will be up on the main page soon, but I’ll stick them here for the time being as well  Here is the standard schedule as well as a condensed schedule  that is shortened by 2 weeks.

Dave Schedules

Free subscription extensions

December 4th, 2007

While everyone has different tests now that 1/P is computer based, one thing that remains the same is that it is a hard test.  Usually less than 40% of the people pass, and that is sometimes closer to 30%.  If you fail the exam, try to remember that it is a hard test.  Also, we are happy to give free subscription renewals for people who fail and want to reuse the seminar for a second shot at the exam.  If you need one, please send an e-mail to customer service.  We may ask for proof that you are taking the exam again, but that is it.

Dave Exam results, Frequently asked questions

Practice exams, and other updates

November 24th, 2007

We’ve added a 4th practice exam (see part E).  Unfortunately problems 9 and 10 were wrong in the original version.  We are working on putting up corrected versions, but the correct answers are .11 for #9 and .036 for #10.

The SOA has also increased the number of sample problems in the 2008 syllabus: see http://www.soa.org/files/pdf/edu-2008-spring-exam-p.pdf for the updated syllabus and links.  There are 3 new problems, and we are also adding copies of them with solutions in Part E.

Dave Uncategorized

More discrete problems

September 16th, 2007

I’ve added a collection of general problems on discrete probability from some old Course 110 exams (Course 110 was the probability exam two syllabus changes ago). These problems won’t go up on the main page until I am done with the solutions, and I often find some minor typos when working on the solutions, but here is a draft if you want to work on them now: Discrete Problems. For many of these problems, I have a copy of the solutions and not the original exam, so the questions are my attempt to reconstruct the original problem.

Dave Problems

Recommended schedules

September 13th, 2007

I’ve made a recommended study schedule, as well as a shortened version that is a couple weeks shorter, and also written some general tips about using the seminar. These will be up on the main webpage shortly, but in the mean time, here are the the files for both the Condensed Schedule and the Standard Schedule, as well as an FAQ.

Dave Uncategorized

Update schedule

August 29th, 2007

Now that the first sitting of the exam has come and gone, it is time to start getting ready for the November exam.  The bulk of the content of the seminar is remaining the same, but I will be adding more practice problems and exams, and going into more detail on a couple of topics.  In order to let you know what the changes are, I will be making roughly weekly blog updates with what is new.  I will mostly be adding stuff on weekends, and so I am going to try to make the blog updates on Sundays.

This coming weekend (Labor Day weekend), I am going to add a revised schedule for the November exam, plus some general tips for how to get the most out of the seminar.  You should always feel free to e-mail me with questions–the more interactive you make the seminar, the more you will get out of it.

Dave Uncategorized

Question 124 on SOA “123″

August 14th, 2007

The set of old exam problems formerly known as the SOA 123 now has 124 problems (although question 124 was only added on some copies of it, one of which is http://www.casact.org/admissions/studytools/exam1/P-09-07QS.pdf )  It seems a little curious that they would add exactly one extra question, so I recommend making sure that you know how to do this one.

I have recently increased the number of review lessons, and have included a solution to the new sample problem in lesson E.1.5.  I’ve also added alternate solutions to questions 14 and 21 of Practice Exam #2.

Dave Solutions