
Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Regulation and Misc Update

August 15th, 2011

I have 3 videos that I’m still working on that will be posted this week: A.M. Best 1, GAO, and RAND.  GAO and RAND will be really short.  Next week, I will post the remaining Government Programs video covering the Government Insurers Study Note.

I am working on two more sets of notecards, covering Reinsurance Accounting and the remaining Regulation topics.  These will also be ready next week.

In September, I will be posting memorization questions for my sections.  We will also be posting an original practice exam.

Some of you have requested a history of the articles from which past exam questions come from.  Angelo has sent me his list.  I’m having a little problem because of the syllabus turnover.  I will make sure to put something together when I get back from the live seminars in early September.  You really shouldn’t be taking practice exams until at least late September.

For the live seminar participants, you’ll need to bring a copy of the study manuals.  There is nothing new that is needed for the seminar, and that is why your live seminar tab on our website says that it is still under construction (there is no material posted to this page).  We might post information after the live seminar in this section.

There is a lot to learn on this exam.  At this point, if you get stuck, try to keep moving along.  You need to make it through the material.  Sometimes, it is easier to understand on the second pass.

Good luck studying.



Update 7-13-2011

July 13th, 2011

The Williams study manual that was posted was the incorrect file.  I have updated this with the correct version of Williams.

I will be posting the study manuals for A.M. Best 1 and Blanchard Reinsurance on Saturday.  Freihaut & Vendetti with FAS 113 will be posted next week.  I am working on new videos also.  This will be posted in late July and early August. (updated 7-16-2012)

We are adding the notecards as they are completed.  They will be posted over the next several weeks.

Good luck studying.


News, Updates

2011 Exam 6 US – Regulation and Financial Reporting

May 13th, 2011

Welcome to the new CAS Exam 6 US.  We are working to update all of the material.  We are opening registration, but note that we are still working on updates.  Most of the videos and mp3s are posted, but we are working on updating the manuals and adding the new material.  We will be working on this throughout May and June.  When completed, we will have the following materials:
• 70+ video lessons totaling approximately 32 hours of lecture
• Study manual with outlines of each reading
• Practice problems from past exams and newly written problems
• A full length practice exam
• Instructor support to answer any questions you have
• Access to the videos anywhere you have cell reception if you have a Smart Phone
• Downloadable MP3 audio recordings of the lessons
• Excellent customer service

We will also be holding a live seminar in downtown Chicago at the Gleacher Center from August 29 – September 2.

For now, take a break.  Let your brain rest.  Start fresh after Memorial Day weekend.
