Ignore Vaughan manual

July 4th, 2018

Please ignore the Vaughan manual (included in the Section G manual dated as of 7/3 or before). This was removed from the syllabus.

I will update the manuals to remove it.

Apologize for any inconvenience.

Angelo Uncategorized


June 22nd, 2018

I post details about the status of the material to the Fall2018 thread in the TIA forum:


Angelo Uncategorized


March 18th, 2018

It has recently come to my attention that some people are not familiar with the terms RHS and LHS (which I have used in the manuals/ forum):

RHS = Right Hand Side

LHS = Left Hand Side


Apologize for any confusion (these terms had been used fairly frequently @ school in Australia)

Angelo Uncategorized

Combined CAS Exams

March 14th, 2018

I uploaded some “Combined CAS Exams” to the Additional Material section. These combine the questions from the various study manuals. You can take these as practice exams.

Note that there have been minimal changes to the syllabus in the last few years, so just use the exams from the CAS (I have noted which questions to skip).


Angelo Uncategorized

Past Point Distribution file

March 7th, 2018

I updated the file to include an additional page that shows the year that each of the papers from the current syllabus was introduced. This will be useful when assessing how often each paper has been tested historically.

Note that some papers replaced others that tested similar material. Therefore you may see questions testing the material of a paper from years before that paper had been introduced.

Angelo Uncategorized

New tax law & the exam

January 30th, 2018

See the TIA forum for a thread about whether to reflect the new tax law in the exam:


Angelo Uncategorized

SSAP55 manual

January 9th, 2018

The SSAP55 manual was missing from the website. I have posted it to the SSAP section (in Section A).

By the end of the weekend, I will add it to the Section A combined manual, as well as the All Sections Combined Manual

Apologize for the inconvenience

Angelo Uncategorized


January 7th, 2018

For details about the status of the material, please see the TIA forum:


The manual is already complete. Note that I will be updating it throughout the year to fix errata (a list of errata is maintained in the Introduction section of the website).

Angelo Uncategorized

Sample Price Optimization Questions

April 27th, 2017

Just uploaded 2 sample questions on Price Optimization to that section of the manual

Angelo Uncategorized

Sample UBI questions

April 25th, 2017

I added a few sample UBI questions to the UBI section of the website

Angelo Uncategorized