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Updates January 24

January 23rd, 2017

The Manual and Lesson for ERA 3.1 was completely redone.  The new version gives examples to supplement the material in the paper - as it’s very dense.

The manual and exercises (new) for all of ERA 3 will be posted by this wednesday.

Unfortunately, creating new material for 3.1 meant that chapters 4.1, 4.2 and 5.4 are delayed a week.  I’ll have those up by February 1.

I’m cranking through the questions on the forum while I’m updating the ERA material - so keep it coming.

A reminder that section A of the syllabus is worth 70% of the weight of the exam - and specifically the first 2 weeks of material cover almost 1/3 of the weight of the exam (31%).

alejandro Uncategorized

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