8/28 Update

Some additional updates occurred last week that I want to draw your attention to.

First, I updated the past exam lesson maps to fit with the content of the updated lessons in D.3.

Second, the “paper” flash cards for D.3 were updated to match the previous updates in the flashcards app.

Finally, the review lesson for D.3 has been updated to align with the content in the new D.3 lessons.   This review lesson is the third lesson in the GLM Review, down below the “What to do after you finish the lessons” section at the very bottom of the menu in the lessons tab.

Over the next couple of weeks, I plan to add a few more problems to D.3 and start making video solutions for problems in D.3 for which they are currently missing.

8/15/2017 update

Today,  the updated summary sheet for D.3 posted, and the flashcards for D.3 were update in the app.

I also added a couple of additional audio explanations to lesson D3.5, on slides 3 and 4.

New D.3 Content launched!

I’ve posted three new lessons with their problem sets and handouts into D.3.  As always, please let me know what errors you find.

The purpose of these new lessons is to help you to better prepare for some of the new problem types that have appeared on recent S exam sittings, especially the Spring 2017 sitting.

First, old lesson D.3.5 became lesson D.3.4.   Old lesson D.3.4 was removed and replaced by new lessons D.3.5, D.3.6, and D.3.7.

There are a few more steps in this rollout that didn’t get finished today.

1. Update the video solutions.   Some of this will happen tomorrow, the rest will occur over the next week or so.  If you find a problem that you would like to have prioritized for video solution, let me know.

2. Update the Flashcards and the Summary sheet.   I plan to work on this in the morning, so hopefully, it will be finished tomorrow.

3. Update the D.1.0 lesson, GLM preview for Fall 2017.   As soon as I get the summary sheet updated, this lesson will be next, so probably either tomorrow or Wednesday.

4. Add a few problems to some other sections of D.  More on that a bit later, but this is what I plan to work on over the next week.