Mixtures lesson, first three R lessons complete

I just posted the new lesson C.3.3 covering mixture distributions.   This is a new topic for MAS-I, so it isn’t very clear yet what the expectations are for the exam writers.  I don’t think it is likely that you will need to memorize the formulas in this lesson, as long as you can remember that the conditional expectation and conditional variance methods are the ones to use with mixtures.

I’ve also posted the first three lessons in the new section D.7 “Modeling with R”.   In these lessons, I’m walking through R-studio examples from various source texts, explaining what happens when we actually do some of the modeling that we learned in D.1-D.6.

I have two more of these lessons to go, and that’s my goal for next week.  After that, I’ll rework the review lessons C.1-C.3, D.1, and create review lessons for D.4-D.6.