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Under construction! Watch this space…

Sorry for all the sawdust and scaffolding…. the syllabus has changed a great deal between the last sitting of AFE and the fall 2011 sitting.

Currently, the videos showing are from the prior seminar and are the readings that are continuing on the syllabus. I want to give a caveat, though — chapters 1 – 4 of Financial Statement Analysis are no longer BACKGROUND ONLY, according to the syllabus. I will need to change those particular lectures to reflect that, but in the interim, I have the old lectures up. The content will not change, just the emphasis.

In addition, it seems that the “Download all handouts” link currently has all the old material, and I’m going to have to have that removed for a short period while I fix that.

Later this week, I will be putting up the PDFs for the old lectures, as well as put up a schedule for the readings/videos so you can see when you can expect the new videos.

Sorry for any confusion. Happy studying!

Mary Pat Uncategorized

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