
Archive for October, 2007

Typos in online solutions

October 16th, 2007

During the seminars, I found more minor errors in the online solutions. Since these are fairly minor, I do not plan on re-recording the solutions:

  • CM-64p    2004-13    Smith’s retirement benefit should be calculated as 30(600) = 18,000
  • CM-74p   2002-36     16,200 incorrectly shown as 15,200
  • CM-80p   2003-44     Past service of 18 years incorrectly shown as 15
  • ME-70p   2004-21      ARA of 5,000 incorrectly shown as zero


Corrections to prior recordings

October 14th, 2007

Section J.2.1

The solution for IRC 430 Minimum Funding practice problem 3 has been re-recorded to reflect the correct handling of the shortfall base and waiver base amortizations. This matches the revised solution I made available on 09/12/07.

Sections P.1.1 and P.1.2

I revised the discussion for IRC 415 overhead pages11-28B and page 36. These now match the revised overheads I made available on 09/11/07.

Sections P.2.1.a,  P.2.1.b, and P.2.1.c

The solutions for 415 problems 2004-25, 2004-37 and 2005-36 were incorrect. I have recorded the corrected versions. I made the typewritten solutions for 2004-25 and 2004-37 available on 10/03/07.


Errors in problem solutions

October 1st, 2007

During the live seminars, I discovered errors in some exam problem solutions. Most of these are pretty minor. In the interest of saving time (to create NEW problems), I do NOT plan on re-recording the solutions.

It looks like I had a mental block on the 404 UCL calculation! Here is a summary list:

  • Page SE-40 example: get lower minimum by eliminating both CB and PB so the funding surplus is zero
  • Page ME-22p, problem 2003-41:  final answer is wrong – should subtract MFSA credits, which gives 196,151
  • Page ME-70 example: 404 UCL calculation should be 181,440 instead of 90,720
  • Page ME-70p problems with incorrect 404 UCL calculation
    • 2003-30 should be 148,100 instead of 126,700
    • 2004-21 should be 797,000 instead of 326,200
  • Page ME-94p problems with incorrect 404 UCL calculation
    • 2003-45 should be 195,200 instead of 114,800
    • 2004-24 should be 264,000 instead of zero
