2012 Spring Exam Solutions

I have loaded video solutions for the Spring 2012 exam. As with the other exams, I have included the source material for each question and worked through the calculation-based problems.

Be sure to watch the “summary” video and download the attachment that contains a summary of the exam problems and which ones were calculation-based.

Good luck with the last few weeks of studying!!


New TIA forums now open!!

We are very excited to announce the launch of the TIA forum!

In the past, using TIA to study for exams has been a relatively solitary endeavor. You watched the videos, worked the problems, and occasionally emailed your instructor for assistance. If you prefer to learn that way, then don’t worry, you can still do it that way. Think of the forum as an additional (and optional) way to enhance your learning. You might just browse other student’s questions, and decide to give it a try later on.

Although a few TIA members have gone out of their way to interact with others by posting on the Actuarial Outpost or other public forums, the TIA forum makes it incredibly easy for all of us to interact with other members. Any time you have a question or a topic for discussion, you can immediately enter the subject forum and make your post. Everyone else that is subscribed to the seminar will see that there is a new post in that subject forum, and can respond immediately, seconding or answering your topic. Watch the short video posted in the “Introductory Material” section of the course to see how the forum works.

Making your experience at TIA more interactive will result in much more powerful and effective learning. But another terrific aspect of the forum is that it will act as a growing and changing knowledge base of answered questions. As your instructor, I’ve found that I answer the same question by email many times. The forum will allow me to post answers to questions in a way that will remain readily available to all seminar users. After a while, you’ll find answers to many of your questions instantly in the forum, instead of needing an email response.

But the forums aren’t just for my answers to questions. As you probably know, there is no better way to test your knowledge than to try to answer the questions that other learners ask. You should try to answer the questions that other members post as often as you can. Other members can chime in to ask more about your answer too, and I’ll be keeping an eye on things to make sure that all the questions receive accurate and useful responses.

As always, we want your learning experience here at TIA to be a positive one. When interacting with each other on the web, please be sure to maintain a cheerful attitude and encourage your fellow learners. Feel free to immediately flag any post that you feel would discourage anyone from interacting.

The forum is open now, so go ahead and watch the introduction video and get started! You could start by introducing yourself in the “Introductory Material” subject forum.


2012 Updates – Section B

On July 2, I updated Section B of the online seminar. I added the new study material on “Socioeconomic Influences on Life Insurance” at the end of this section. This new material covers more “current events” than anything else, but I included it in the Marketing section because the last section deals with Marketing and Distribution Trends.

The Notes have been updated with this new material and I also added a clarification about the section on Compensation to indicate the chapter from the most recent LOMA textbook (the Notes still said Chapter 16 when the updated chapter is Chapter 8).

There are still a couple of updates that need to be made for 2012. Specfically, there will be a couple of new items for 2012 related to Assumptions that will be added to Section C.

Good luck with your studying!


2012 Updates – Section A

On May 29th, I made the updates to Section A for the 2012 Syllabus. This involved removing one lesson (VUL Secondary Guarantees) and revising the lesson on Annuity LTCI combination products (the “Small Talk” article was removed from the syllabus).

I have updated the online seminar to reflect these changes and posted the 2012 version of the outline and notes.

There are not any revised lessons in Section B, but I plan to update some of the files to reflect the most recent chapter numbers in the online videos.

There are a few more updates for 2012 that will be coming in the next few weeks. I will be posting updates on the blog as I update each section.

Good luck with your studying!


2011 Exam Solutions

I’ve uploaded video solutions to the 2011 ILA-DP exam. There is also a zip file to download which includes a summary of the exam questions and the corresponding section of the Online Seminar.


Exam Type Problems

I have added a number of exam-type problems to help with your preparations for the exam.

There is a section of “short” exam-type problems. These problems cover a separate topic for each question.

I’ve also added “Round 1” of exam type problems. This section contains 10 problems that are very similar to what you can expect to see on an actual exam.

Both of these sections contain a brief video introduction that gives a few more details on what you can expect.

In the coming weeks I will be adding “Round 2” of exam type questions as well as solutions to the previous actual exams.

Good luck with your studying!!


Drill Problems

I have added Drill Problems (and Solutions) for the remaining sections, so there now should be drill problems for the entire syllabus.

In the coming weeks I will be adding a review of the case study as well as a bunch of exam-type problems.

Good luck with your studying!


Practice Problems Added

I have added several additional practice problems to help with your exam preparations.

If you are signed up for the online seminar, you should see a new category entitled “Live Seminar Handouts.”  This section includes the exam-type questions (and solutions) that were distributed at the Live Seminar.  It also includes an additional 25 calculation-based questions that are written in more of an exam-type format (these are labeled “Drill Problems”)

If you attended the Live Seminar, you will also have access to all of these files, including the “Drill Problems” that were not distributed at the Live Seminar.

Finally, in the section entitled “Solutions to Published ILA-DP Exams,” I have included a summary of the old Course 8I exams that are available on the SOA website.  This summary includes a list of the questions that still apply and the name of the corresponding Study Note or reference book.

Good luck with your studying!


Live Seminar

We’re only a week away from the Live Seminar in Dallas.  If you registered for the Live Seminar, you should have received an e-mail from me with information about what to bring and a schedule for the seminar.  If you didn’t receive that e-mail, please let me know and I will make sure you get a copy.

In the meantime, good luck with your studying and see you soon!
