Section F Updated

On August 12, 2012, I updated Section F for the 2012 syllabus. The only section that was changed was Section F.2.2 on Moody’s Corporate Default Rates. This study note is updated every few years to reflect the recent experience, so the information is very similar to the previous lesson.

Now all of the online seminar lessons should be updated for the 2012 syllabus! I hope to add some addition items (like video solutions for the Spring 2012 exam) in the coming months.

Good luck with your studying!!


Canadian 2012 seminar updates [Canadian]

All syllabus changes since the previous ILA-DP-C exam have now been incorporated into the 2012 ILA-DP-C online seminar. Here is a summary of changes.

Dropped Material

  • VUL Secondary Guar: Catalyst for Sales Rebound, Product Matters (formerly lesson A.3.2)
  • Predictive Modeling for Life Insurers: Application of Predictive Modeling Techniques in Measuring Policy Holder Behavior in Variable Annuity Products (formerly lesson B.2.11)

New Material

  • Guaranteed Uncertainty: Socioeconomic influences on Product Development and Distribution in the Life Insurance Industry (new lesson E.4)
  • Level Term Lapse Rates – Lessons Learned Here and in Canada, Product Matters (new lesson B.2.12)
  • Expected Mortality: Fully Underwritten Canadian Individual Life Insurance Policies, CIA Education Note, July 2002 (new lesson B.2.11). Note: If you’ve taken the ILA-CSP-C seminar, you’ll recognize this study note and lesson. The Expected Mortality note is now on both syllabi, and it is exactly the same on both.
All handouts were also updated to reflect the changes above. Rather than combine the outlines into a single PDF as I’ve done in previous sittings, I decided to zip up the individual lesson files. They are named by lesson (e.g. B_1_01_Outline.pdf). This will make it easy to download the handouts for only the updated material in case you already downloaded the previous handout files.
If you have any questions, please post them on the ILA-DP-C seminar forum or email me. Good luck studying!