All sections of detailed study manual available

All sections of detailed study manual available. I realize that many of you have already made a full pass through the online seminar and are exactly where you want to be at this stage. However, you might want to take a day or two and review the final sections of the study manual to shore up your understanding of the concepts in them.

The next items to appear in the seminar will be flash cards and a condensed outline, followed by more practice problems in September.

LP Syllabus Reminder

This question came up recently, so I just wanted to be extra sure everybody is aware that there is only one LP exam for both US and Canada. In the past, there were separate versions of ILA DP for US and Canada, but for fall 2013, there is only one LP.

That means that all of the material in the TIA fall 2013 online seminar for LP is on the syllabus for everyone.

Practice problems!

Today I posted several sets of practice problems (drill problems) in various sections of the online seminar. I recommend working the drill problems in a section after you’ve finished that section of the seminar. These are not full-length exam-style problems. Rather, they are intended to focus on a specific numerical concept.

I will be posting additional drill problems and exam-style practice problems this month and next. Enjoy!