Tips for juggling work responsibilities and studying for actuarial exams

Even though many actuarial employers have programs that allow people to study at work while preparing for exams, it can be challenging to find quality study time at work during certain times of the year.

A great example is the month of October for actuaries who work in financial reporting. Unfortunately, the first two weeks of October are a busy time at work while preparing financial statements. This is bad timing for anyone taking fall exams, which hit at the end of October—making October a critical month for studying.

Here are a couple of tips to keep in mind:

  1. Talk to your supervisor now to see if there is any way you can relax your schedule during that time. Offer to trade duties with someone else, or promise to help cover for someone else next quarter-end. Anything you can do to help prioritize study time over work time in the month of October is not only in your best interests but also your company because it increases the chances of you passing and being able to deliver more value as an FSA. Key takeaway: don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself, but be professional, and frame it in terms of how it benefits the company as well.
  2. Even if you can’t shift your work responsibilities, see if you can come in an extra hour earlier during the busiest times of the month. Try to get in at least one hour of uninterrupted study time early in the morning before the interruptions of the day begin. Persistent studying, even in small bursts can be highly effective.