Mid-July-Start Study Schedule Added

Given that many of you recently registered for the online seminar, I’ve created a second version of the study schedule included in the Introduction section of the online seminar. The “Mid July” version in the spreadsheet assumes a July 15 start date and gives you an extra week in September to wrap up your first pass through the material.

Please keep in mind that study schedules serve only as a general road map. Each individual will go through different sections at their own natural pace. Just use the schedule to keep an eye on your overall progress.

If you can complete your first pass through all material by early September, you’ll be in very good shape for the final 2 months, which are best spent reviewing the material at an increasingly high level, memorizing, and working practice problems.

If you feel like you’re falling behind, I would recommend starting each reading with the detailed study guide and videos, then go to the source material when you need extra clarification or want to see original book examples. 

All LP videos available

The last of the new videos have been added to the LP seminar. The most recent additions are the Stochastic Modeling textbook lessons E.3.5.(a-e).

Section B of the detailed study guide will be out within the next week, and the other detailed study guide sections will follow pretty regularly. The detailed study guide was delayed somewhat because I prioritized getting all of the videos up and running first.

As you’ve no doubt noticed, the format of the new videos is different from the existing videos. I would appreciate any feedback you have on the new format — positive or negative.

Correction to Section B handouts

A few PDF pages were missing for the “Does Preferred Wear Off?” lesson handouts in Section B. I just posted corrected copies for both the original outlines and the outlines with instructor’s notes.


Section A of Study Guide Available

Section A of the detailed study guide is now available. I also updated the “course status” sheet at the top of the seminar with a timeline for other updates. The remaining sections of the study guide will be posted in the coming weeks. 

Welcome to LP

Welcome to The Infinite Actuary’s online seminar for the ILA LP exam. I will be using this blog, which was formerly used for our ILA DP course, to communicate important changes and updates to the online seminar.

Flash cards posted to the ILA-DP-U course

I’m happy to announce that flash cards covering the entire syllabus have now been posted to the ILA-DP-U course. I hope these study aids help you prepare for the exam, and we would welcome any feedback you have on them.

The Canadian version of the flash card set will be posted to the ILA-DP-C course shortly.

2012 Spring Exam Solutions

I have loaded video solutions for the Spring 2012 exam. As with the other exams, I have included the source material for each question and worked through the calculation-based problems.

Be sure to watch the “summary” video and download the attachment that contains a summary of the exam problems and which ones were calculation-based.

Good luck with the last few weeks of studying!!


Section F Updated

On August 12, 2012, I updated Section F for the 2012 syllabus. The only section that was changed was Section F.2.2 on Moody’s Corporate Default Rates. This study note is updated every few years to reflect the recent experience, so the information is very similar to the previous lesson.

Now all of the online seminar lessons should be updated for the 2012 syllabus! I hope to add some addition items (like video solutions for the Spring 2012 exam) in the coming months.

Good luck with your studying!!
