
Archive for February, 2014

SOA WA21 Video Solutions

February 24th, 2014

I have posted 80 video solutions (one solution for each part) to the SOA Written Answer 21. The videos total more than 6.5 hours of action packed fun! :)

I highly recommend that you save the SOA WA21 until after you have finished all the material and worked a lot of practice problems. Basically treat them like 21 sample exams. For each problem set a timer for 2.5 minutes x the number of points for that problem. For example, problem 1 is worth 8 points so set a timer for 8 x 2.5 = 20 minutes. Work the problem under exam conditions (no peeking at formula sheets and no peeking at the solution) for the entire 20 minutes.

If you get the problem right take a look at my handwritten solution or the SOA’s solution. If you get the problem wrong then watch my video solution.


SOA 310-318 video solutions

February 11th, 2014

I have posted video solutions to SOA 310-318.


SOA 318 typed solutions

February 6th, 2014

I have updated my solutions to the SOA 318 sample problems.
