A study strategy that helps you pass
We don't just teach you the material on the exam, we also teach the most efficient way to pass your exam.

Time management is essential to passing any actuarial exam. Our expert instructors will show you the optimal order to study each syllabus using proven strategies.

Our lessons simplify and reduce what you need to memorize. The more you can understand underlying concepts, the more prepared you'll be for even the most creative and difficult exam questions.

From prelim exams to fellowship, we provide comprehensive tools that let you hone your strengths and improve on your weak areas. Our problem system and lessons encourage you to take a hands-on approach.
Matt Senior Actuarial Consultant, Aetna, Inc."I passed the exam completely due to TIA. I did not give myself enough time to start with, I knew nothing about these exams, and it had been two years since I saw calculus or statistics."
Court Actuarial Student, Assurant"I have used other actuarial products/manulas in the past and this was the first time I used TIA. I just want to say I wish I had used your product before as it truly is the best."
Brian Student, University of Washington"I passed my first sitting ILA life pricing exam!! I can not describe how much I am so thankful for your wonderful and knowledge videos and manuals. You are the best!"
Troy Assistant VP, Trustmark"I will recommend to all of the students I meet that are going thru the exam process to take the TIA seminars. Not only have you provided a great atmosphere to learn and pass, you have also provided your own unique and special experience. Thank you!"
Jonathon Actuarial Student, Utica National"I went from taking Exam P twice, getting 4's to this time finishing with an hour to spare, answering 28 confidently, and having plenty of time to work on the harder problems and check over my results. I ended up getting a 10! Dave's shortcuts and techniques helped tremendously, and was what I needed to pass."
Ernest Future Actuary, Self-Employed"You guys are awesome! Never have I witnessed such spectacular customer service. Every email is answered quickly and all my concerns are always addressed to my favor. I am just not used to having this kind of treatment with other companies. If there is no immediate solution, they will work to find one for me. You have found a customer for life!"
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